Thursday, November 19, 2009

nibbley nibbley

So, how exciting was the whole 'online mobile pop-up limited edition scarf' thing!? For those who don't know, Cadbury launched this brilliant stroke of marketing genius to promote the new Caramel Nibbles. So, what would us modern bloggy kids like better than something that combines fashion, chocolate, blogging, social networking and pop-up shops? The shop popped up on selected blogs where you could join a virtual queue and watch a live feed of the shop girls who address you by name and popped your scarf in the post right in front of your very eyes. I even got Wes addicted and he was glued to the Facebook news feed all day Friday when he was supposed to be working! So off I went to the gym and did a spot of shopping while he frantically followed it around the blogosphere until he actually got me one, on the last blog (think it was wishwishwish) when there were just three scarves left!! Just in case you were interested, I wore mine for the first time today. Thank you Caramel Bunny! Did you get your paws on one?

Blazer: Topshop; Tee: Sportsgirl; Jeans: Topshop; Kicks: Nike


  1. Oh my God! I'm so jealous! That scarf is rocking. Loving the old-skool high tops too.


Aww shucks, not only have you visited my blog, but now you're actually going to write something?

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